Our Products


Offline Dairy Software

1. Add daily milk details.
2. User friendly billing system.
3. Customer Management.
4. Billing Management
5. Report generation.
6. Slr/ Fat entry throuh excel.
7. Database Backup Management.


Offline Billing Software

1. User friendly billing system.
2. Bill / Invoice Generation.
3. Store customer details.
4. Support thermal and non thermal printer.
5. Support barcode reader.
6. Support credit payment.
7. Database Backup Management.
8. Data entry through EXCEL.


Offline Boutique Software

1.Flexibility of applying tax on customer billing.
2. Payment detail.
3. Admin and user login for privilege and local function.
4. User friendly billing system.
5. Various repot generation option.
6. It store customer information which include email ID, phone number and measurement detail.
7. Printing order and measurement detail.
8. Can be modified as per customer business need with small extra cost.


Offline Retail Software

1. Admin and user login for privilege and local function.
2. Inventory management.
3.User friendly billing system.
4. Flexibility of applying tax on customer billing.
5. Various repot generation option.
6. Calculating profit and loss during selected time period.
7. Graphical display for monthly sale , purchase , expense and profit/loss.
8. Credit register application for advance or credit payment.
9. Customer ledger ,Supplier ledger.
10. Easy and fast billing.
11. Reporting.
12. Barcode Management.
13. Purchase Management.
14. GST billing.
16. Entry Through Excel.
17. SMS alert,customer integrated API automatically by themselves.
18. Quotation.
19. Challan/ Delivery.


Offline Medical Software

1. User friendly Medical billing system.
2. Bar code reader and writer support.
3. Stock inventory management.
4. Profit and loss status with in selective dates.
5. Graphical display for monthly sale , purchase , expense and profit/loss.
6. Manages batch no and Expense of medicine.
7. Various report generation option.
8. Support thermal and non thermal printer.
9. Flexibility in applying tax on sale items.
10. Expense management system.
11. Support credit payment.
12. Manages purchase.
13. Admin and user login for privilege and local function.
14. Database Backup Management.


Offline School Software

1) Class Management
2) Students Management
3) Employees Management
4) Fee Management
5) Account Management
6) Hostel Management
7) Transport Managementment
8) Library Management
9) Event
10) Notice
11) Holiday
12) Assignment
13) Enquiry
14) School Profile



1. Employee Management.
2. Customer Management.
3. Ticket Management.
4. Ticket follow Management.
5. Function Add/View Control.



1. Employee Management.
2. Document management.
3. Employee Attendance Management.
4. Leave Management.
5. Learning Management.
6. Salary Management.
7. Recruitment Management.
8. Announcement Management.
9. Expense Management.
10. Holyday Management.
11. Function Add/View Control.


Online Retail Software

1. Admin and user login for privilege and local function.
2. Inventory management.
3.User friendly billing system.
4. Flexibility of applying tax on customer billing.
5. Various repot generation option.
6. Calculating profit and loss during selected time period.
7. Graphical display for monthly sale , purchase , expense and profit/loss.
8. Credit register application for advance or credit payment.
9. Customer ledger ,Supplier ledger.
10. Easy and fast billing.
11. Reporting.
12. Barcode Management.
13. Purchase Management.
14. GST billing.
16. Entry Through Excel.
17. SMS alert,customer integrated API automatically by themselves.
18. Quotation.
19. Challan/ Delivery.

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